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Six Unspectacular Things About Me

I have been tagged by Indigo Bunting. I guess that means I’m It. It’s some kind of meme, I understand, though I’m not altogether sure I know what a meme even is. At any rate, here are six unspectacular things about me:

  1. I never sneeze fewer than nine times in a row, and frequently as many as fifteen times. The average is twelve or thirteen sneezes.

  2. My chin jumps when I’m under extreme stress (high emotions, prolonged tension on a job, tremendous concentration on a pinball or video game). I came out of the womb with my chin jumping; my mother says that was how she knew I belonged to her, since her chin jumps, as does one of my brothers’. Her father’s did too, if I recall correctly.

  3. I prefer to sleep on my right side. If I’ve been lying on my right side to watch television for an hour or so before going to sleep, I may lie on my left side to fall asleep, but it won’t be long before I’m shifting back to my right.

  4. I no longer allow myself to own a library card because I have too many books that were borrowed and never returned. Not intentionally stolen, just a baaaaaaad case of procrastination. (They finally send me a nasty letter and a bill for the replacements.)

  5. I think Chapter 7 of Kenneth Grahame’s Wind in the Willows, “The Piper at the Gates of Dawn,” is one of the most transcendent bits of writing in the English language.

  6. I have an irrational fear of heights, by which I mean three feet off the ground.

Tagging, I understand, obligates those tagged to write a similar post in their own blogs. So I hereby tag Deloney, Nathan, Houston, Iyov, Lee, and Ryan, unless they have already been tagged by others, in which case they need to tell me so I can find someone else to tag.

Meme Terms and Conditions

  1. Link to the person who tagged you.

  2. Mention the rules on your blog.

  3. List six unspectacular things about you.

  4. Tag six other bloggers by linking to them.


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