This Guy Has Been Singing All Night LongJun 1, 2008No, this isn’t my video, but this fellow’s song is remarkably similar to the one my little friend has been singing outside my window since 2 a.m.And he’s still singing, eight hours later!One of the few real joys of living in Florida.
No, this isn’t my video, but this fellow’s song is remarkably similar to the one my little friend has been singing outside my window since 2 a.m.And he’s still singing, eight hours later!One of the few real joys of living in Florida.
The Case of the Disappearing NeighborsFirst my next-door neighbor, Bill, disappears. His health has been precarious for some time, but one could generally catch him early in...
Wings of DesireApril may be the cruellest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain,...
The DoorbellThe original doorbell of this house was particularly anemic. It could be heard from the living room and the kitchen, but almost nowhere...