Damn my sieve of a brain! At the end of today’s treatment, my brilliant acupuncture physician and dear friend, Jeannette Westlake, mentioned that she had read yesterday’s post and didn’t see her name mentioned.
I summoned all my linguistic prowess and said, “Huh?”
She unfolded the Sample Ballot she had just received in the mail, and showed me her name and that of her husband, J.D. Hallowell:
Now, I just skipped over that section of the ballot because I don’t live in Sebastian Inlet and I don’t, as the saying goes, have a dog in that hunt. Had I a brain that could remember important information instead of endless piles of useless trivia, I would have recalled a conversation from several months earlier where Jennie told me that she and J.D. would be on the ballot, but I hadn’t given it a thought since then.
They spelled her name wrong on the ballot, but she assures me it’s still valid.
Alas, it’s too late for me — my ballot is signed, sealed, and sent. But it’s not too late for you. If you live in my part of the world, and you see these dear friends’ names on the ballot, won’t you take a moment and cast your vote for them, and make up for my being a Bear of Very Little Brain?
I thank you, my mother thanks you, and the good people of Sebastian Inlet will thank you.