Tao (pronounded “dow”), as everyone knows, translates roughly to “the Way,” specifically the way water runs downhill, effortlessly, seeking its own level, clear, colorless, unremarkable, yet even the hardest stone cannot stand in its way forever.
Do (pronounced like Homer Simpson’s exclamation, “D’oh!”) is the Japanese form of the same word.
Do is found in lots of different Japanese words. Judo, for example, means “the gentle Way.” Aikido means “the Way of unifying with life energy” or “the Way of harmonious spirit.” Bushido is “the Way of the warrior,” the samurai fighting code.
So here’s my question: would Dodo then be “the Way of being stupid”? If so, I think I’ve found the perfect path for me!
Wait. What if it means “the Way of Becoming Extinct”? Perhaps I need to rethink this.